The Networking Fair will take place on Saturday, January 18, 2020 in the Edward St. John Learning Center on the University of Maryland campus.
The Networking Fair will run from 9:00 am (set up) until 5:00 pm.

We are requesting $100 for registration. This includes a table and table cloth. We ask that only 1-2 attendees work the table.

Please register HERE by completing the Google form. Payment can be made via check or online.

Visit HERE to make a payment online.

Please make the check out to:
University of Maryland College Park Foundation

Mail the check to:
Donna Hammer, Director
Room 1309 John S. Toll Physics (Bldg.82)
University of Maryland/PHYSICS
College Park, MD 20742

Please contact Josiland Chambers once the payment has been made. [email protected]